Bulletin 2023 Week 36
Mon 4th, Glasgow - RookieOven
Mon 4th, Glasgow - Open Source Glasgow - Linux Command Line Basics MOVED TO OCTOBER 2ND
Tue 5th, Edinburgh - Edinburgh Tech Meetup + Investor Panel
Tue 5th, Online - IOT North - Ingest, query and visualise IoT streams using Azure Data Explorer
Tue 5th, Edinburgh - Preparing for Growth and Pre-empting the Barriers, Codebase
Wed 6th, Edinburgh - Design for the Future of Sustainability by Product Design Scotland
Thu 7th, Glasgow - Glasgow Tech Meetup - How xDesign built Martin Lewis’ new AI chatbot & Introduction to Svelte
Thu 7th, Edinburgh - AccelerateHER + Techscaler Meetup
Thu 7th, Glasgow - ML Club Natural Language Processing
Thu 7th, Glasgow - Blockchain Dinner and Drinks
Fri 8th, Edinburgh - Accessibility Scotland 2023
The Data Lab Community have announced a data viz competition on the theme of “community”. £500 of Amazon vouchers, membership of the community and a conference ticket up for grabs.