Bulletin 2023 Week 44
Monday October 30th, 2023

- Tue 31st, Glasgow - Ladies of Code
- Tue 31st, Edinburgh - League of Entrepreneurs Halloween
- Tue 31st, Dundee - Dundee Data Meetup
- Wed 1st, Edinburgh - AWS Cloud Club - (Founder of the club, Wei Juin Lee, announcement tweet)
- Thu 2nd, Edinburgh - DataFest Fringe - Beyond the Hype of GenAI (from Transcend Tech)
- Thu 2nd, Glasgow - TechMeetup Glasgow
- Thu 2nd, Glasogw - Model Evaluation and Validation, ML Club
- Sat 4th, Glasgow - Global Day of Coderetreat @ Python Glasgow
Dale Hornidge has launched Overcome: Breakup & Heartbreak on the App Store. Check out Dale’s announcement on LinkedIn
Last week EdinburghJS held a CodeJam for learning Astro to make personal sites. Photo thread here
- Mon 30
- The Challenges of Extraterrestrial Living Edinburgh · The Data Lab
- The Challenges of Extraterrestrial Living
- Tue 31
- Sci-Fi Cabaret: Or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love AI Edinburgh · The Data Lab
- Sci-Fi Cabaret: Or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love AI