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Bulletin 2024 Week 24

Monday June 10th, 2024

It’s been a year since I first started publishing the Scottish Technology Club bulletins. I hope that you enjoy finding out about events in the Scottish technology community, and discovering blog posts and videos from Scotland-based creators. I’d love to encourage more people to start publishing and connecting, so if you want a hand getting started then please do give me a shout!

We are running GlasgowJS this week and EdinburghJS next week.

In content from the community: Owain (host of Edinburgh .NET meetup) posted on caching sitemaps while using querystrings, Ljupche posted on useReducer vs useState in JS, and the Scottish Tech Army posted several showcase videos. I missed it last week: Pete posted an interview with Val of Thankbox on bootstraping 30k p/m indie business.

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