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Bulletin 2024 Week 28

Monday July 8th, 2024

It is of course TuringFest this week, so check out their website for last minute tickets if you haven’t got yours already. It’s a great chance for Scotland to welcome folks from all around the world to showcase what we have to offer.

On a similar note, Daniel Grant has been travelling and has written about small ecosystem energy. I’m keen to hear more from people about the places they have worked outside of Scotland, the connections they have made, but also how we can attract people to make Scotland a destination for work either on a temporary or permanent basis.

It’s a quieter week for meetups, but do check out the first Edinburgh Data Science and AI event this Thursday.

In terms of content from Scotland-based creators, Ljupche posted “Do this instead of loading skeletons” and Daniel livestreamed investigating performance issues in Nuxt.

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