Bulletin 2024 Week 3

This week TechMeetup returns to Stirling, and there is the first set of talks from the newly relaunched GlasgowJS JavaScript meetup (watch the trailer on YouTube!).
I’ve started listing events from the Women Who Code Edinburgh, R-Ladies Edinburgh, Hyperledger Scotland, Fairer Working Conditions in Scottish Tech Sector and Heart of Agile Scotland groups.
I asked on Twitter for Scottish/Scotland-based technology streamers and YouTubers. I know of: Daniel Roe, Pete Codes, Cam Blackwood, Russell Barnard, Stevo The Dev and Rory Gianni Creating with Data. There is, of course, a Scottish Technology Club YouTube Channel. I’ll be putting livestreams for the JavaScript meetups there, plus trailers and info for what’s happening in Scotland. If you run a stream/video channel then let me know and I’ll get you listed.
- Mon 15
- Open source 3D game development with Godot for beginners Glasgow · Open Source Glasgow
- Open source 3D game development with Godot for beginners
- Tue 16
- Digital Skills 4 Girls Stirling Stirling · Codebase Central Scotland
- January Meetup - Full stack and Building+Selling Glasgow · GlasgowJS
- Open source VR game development with A-Frame for beginners Glasgow · Open Source Glasgow
- OSM Edinburgh pub meetup Edinburgh · Open Street Map
- Digital Skills 4 Girls Stirling
- Wed 17
- Flipping Tables: Creating Tables with {gt} in R Edinburgh · R-ladies Edinburgh
- Techmeetup Stirling January 17th Stirling · TechMeetup
- Flipping Tables: Creating Tables with {gt} in R
- Thu 18
- The Multimedia Extravaganza (the old book club) Glasgow · CodeCraft
- Hack Thursday! January 2024 Glasgow · Glasgow Computer Security Meetup
- The Multimedia Extravaganza (the old book club)