Bulletin 2024 Week 37

A few interesting meetups this week: I’ll be speaking at GlasgowJS on Tuesday 10th on building a personal website with Astro alongside Alistair Forbes of the Scottish Tech Army on volunteering in tech. I hope to see you there! Also of note is the NoCode meetup on Thursday 12th in Edinburgh.
I’m starting to look further ahead for the JavaScript events - I’m keen to find speakers for this November and the first few meetups of 2025. If you’d like to speak please get in touch! I’m particularly interested in hearing from folks working in the travel-tech sector - TravelPerk have kindly sponsored our Edinburgh meetup, and I’d like to bring together people for a themed event. (TravelPerk are hiring for a number of roles in Edinburgh, so if you are an engineer check out their careers page linked above!)
In content, it’s been a quieter week, but Ljupche has continued with his consistent posting, this week his video is on Why Documentation is Important.
- Mon 09
- Open source 3D game dev with Godot for beginners - Wolfenstein 3D from scratch Glasgow · Open Source Glasgow
- Open source 3D game dev with Godot for beginners - Wolfenstein 3D from scratch
- Tue 10
- September Meetup - Volunteering in tech Glasgow · GlasgowJS
- September Meetup - Volunteering in tech
- Wed 11
- September Data Science & AI Meetup - Vector Databases + AI for Drug Discovery Edinburgh · Edinburgh Data Science & AI
- Lean Agile Glasgow Glasgow · Lean Agile Glasgow
- Scot-Secure West Cyber Security Conference Glasgow · Scot-Secure West
- September Data Science & AI Meetup - Vector Databases + AI for Drug Discovery
- Thu 12
- Mindful NetWalking in the park Edinburgh · Barclays Eagle Labs Scotland
- nocode.scot meetup 13 Edinburgh · NoCode Scotland
- Mindful NetWalking in the park